Outside the backdoor this pot has been planted with mystery Tulips and bulbs, with the Blue Parrot Tulips. The mystery Tulips have bloomed in a mixture of pink and white colours. The Statue I bought from Spring Green nursery. A woman in a classical pose. If I had a big garden I would have a life size marble statue. Until then I have this three foot version to pose by the Tulip pot..
Crocuses give you hope after a cold winter. Daffodils make you smile. Tulips are like the torch bearers for a hot barbecue summer. Their myriad of colours have caused avarice in gardens since the Dutch used to sell the bulbs as commodities in the 17th century.
My favourites so far have been The Queen Of The Night Tulips, and the Lurid Red Parrot Tulips in the border. The pot above has the Blue Parrot Tulips but they have not opened their flowers yet. I'll post about them when they do.
We used to dance roud the Maypole at primary school too. Not sure if the teachers knew its origins as a fertility rite ... :)
Love this tulip flower shape. I had never realised there were so many different flowers until a couple of weeks ago. Just to say that I’ve added this post to a bit of a tulip photo fest I’ve been running all week. You can see it here. If you’ve any more tulip pics you’d like to share :-D
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