We had to go back to Fishponds Drive to ring around using the phone book to book a different removal firm. After ringing around to get quotes and availability it has been re booked for half past ten next Tuesday on the 11th of May. Cat was a bit happier then..
We had to go back to paint a second Ivory white coat on the first wall. It made the room so much brighter that we decided to paint the other two walls (the fourth wall is wall papered in a pale blue/white wallpaper). We then ran out of paint and had to go for some more. Today's job is to paint a second coat on the two remaining walls.
Once we finished that I went to Asda to buy some pots for the great evacuation. I have amassed a big selection of plants. Some from Trilby Street, and some we bought for here. I have become a plant collector it seems. They never looked that many in the borders. But once they are dug up, potted up, and sat on the patio they look loads. This took me about another three hours of removing them, watering them, and placing them on the patio.I also dug up my Daffodil and Crocus bulbs ready for the move. The removal man will be taking a mini plant nursery in his 16 foot bedford Van. There are one hundred and twenty five pots in the garden.
There is also the two compost bins, three water butts, one Rose garden bench, one bird feeding station, one bird table, about twenty garden ornaments, and the greenhouse needs collapsing.
The garden is such a big part of my life that this feels normal. Do people worry when they move about taking their favourite plants?
My David Austin Roses have been birthday and xmas presents from Cat, and my Mum. . Each plant has a story about where I found it, what it means to me, and the plants own botanical details. All this added together gives me a sentimental attachment to my garden plants.
We are both working nights over the weekend. We finish Monday morning and move houses Tuesday.
We bought some plants for the new house yesterday. Trailing Lobellia and a selection of hanging basket plants from B & Q. Once the paintings done, and the wardrobes have been delivered I can relax by making hanging baskets today.
ps Its the General Election today when the government is elected based on the division of parliamentary seats. It has been the closest run election in years. The outcome is still very unclear. We should wake up tomorrow and know the results. It will be a long day for the politicians today waiting.
WOW someone's been busy.
Glad you got the removal company sorted.
I have a fear of moving purely down to all the sigging up and re planting but no way would I be able to leave anything behind LOL
I can understand that you do not want to move and to leave the dear plants you have "spoken to" every days. When I moved I did the same and 3 years after my small garden seems as if it had always been here.
It is lot of work to prepare all the pots but what a pleasure afterwards.
I am now impatient to see the new garden.
Hey Bruv! So nice to see you smiling at the camera instead of being behind it :) Love sis x
good luck with your move, its nice to be taking your loved plants, I would do the same.
my hall was dark blue, its a mad colour, what are some people thinking??? it took more than two coats of paint and now theres chips showing the blue again....bah humbug!!
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