Cat and me roped her Dad into carrying heavy stone slabs upto the allotment. These are to make the shed base. It started to pour down with rain mid job. We got soaked, and the muddy allotment turned into the Somme.
I slipped and slided around the pathways getting liberally covered in mud.
Its continued to rain since we were at the allotment. The sun is just peeking through the clouds now after five pm.
The weed guard and black covering we layed at the plot has been blown off the grass. I need some dry weather on Thursday to try to cover the grass area back up , and prepare the beds for the Potatoes and Onions. We bought Vegetable plants yesterday from Hampsons.Six Broccoli ,six Cabbage , and six Swede plants. The house move has thwarted my seed sowing plans for March.
The allotment is still a work in progress. The finished allotment is still in my head with all the structures laid down. The reality is a bit more muddy and weedy.
The sunshine made the Daffodils in this garden look stunning. They always cheer me up whatever the weather. I'm back at work tomorrow after my ten days off.
We booked tickets for the Spring Flower Show on April 22nd in Harrogate. I hope the weathers better than today.
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