I'm back online finally. We had our internet box replaced as it broke the other day. I had blog withdrawel symptoms. The weather has been getting warmer and Spring is finally here. My first outside Daffodil has partially opened today. The cold weather has delayed the mass opening of Daffodils by a month. In the Lake District the tourists are lost clutching Wordsworth poems with not a single Daffodil in sight.. Hopefully they will not have to wait much longer for one of Springs most beautiful sights.

These Tulips have bloomed before the Daffodils. They are such brilliant colours. Like emergency flares they glow in the green garden. I spotted them from the kitchen window.

The colours are so vivid. These super early Tulips are flowering to the right of the Pergola. I have lost the names of the variety I planted, so these can be called Super Fiery Tulips..

The front of the house has a fifty feet strip of Daffodils between our garden and the neighbours. The Narcissus have flowered along the edge of the Daffodils. They are pretty minature Daffodils but these are not scented. These Daffodils will look spectacular once they all flower. Yellow faces nodding in the wind.

A close up of the Narcissus. I am off work for a week now. I have plans for the allotment. I will post a Cherry Blossom festival next. It is part of the Washington D.C museum of Crime and Punishment. They celebrate every spring with Cherry Blossom trees. I saw one tree today with a hint of Pink Blossoms on it.
I love the excitement of Springtime. The Daffodils, the Lambs, the singing birds in the garden. Life begins to renew itself ready for a new growing season. The flowers invigorate me and make me want to venture outside to breath in fresh spring air, and feel the sunshine on my face again.
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