The Fiery Tulips are still casting their flaming spell on me. They are so bright, and when it is sunny they positively glow giving off their magic. The Sun yesterday caught this flower and made it like a burning torch like the statue of Liberty. The green leaves underpin the whole effect with their calming colour.

Inside the cauldron.. Tulips have an earthy smell with their stamen and pollen. There are nine flowers in bloom that I can see. I planted ten bulbs late last year. Its amazing how quickly you forget where you planted bulbs. Its always good when they grow and flower. You can then see physically where you planted them. These Tulips are miles ahead of any of the others.
Buried somewhere in the borders are ten Blue Parrot Tulips. I bought them especially from the
Harrogate Autumn flower show. I need them to flower before we move so i can take them with me (and show me where I planted them!). They are a beautiful pale Blue colour, with frilly petals. Like the Rock stars of the Tulip world.

The Origin of the Tulips seems to be from the Ottoman empire (hence the Persian word
Lale in the post title), and was brought back to Europe where it was collected with glee. From those original flowers the
Varietys have expanded now to all colours, shapes, and sizes.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tulip I love how they grow from small bulbs a flower that makes people go ooh, as they see masses of them growing. I want to go to
Keukenhof one day in Holland, to see over 7 million Tulips in Bloom. It will be colourful and magical. I would use a whole memory card of the Camera.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keukenhof Untill then I will just to have enjoy the ones that I have planted.
Would not a trip to Keukenhof be a treat? I would take two cards and lots of extra batteries.
Your tulips are a treat, too. I might have to chill and pot up some bulbs next fall.
Stunning tulips!!!!
Oh' that flower was so cool! This is the first time I saw like that. Anyway, thanks for sharing this post. I enjoyed reading it.
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