The first photo shows some of Cats
Hostas catching the raindrops.After the driest March and April it finally rained.We got our water butts fixed to the sheds
down pipe.In one night the whole 220 litres was filled up to just under the pipe to the second Butt.I have now got a source of rainwater to use on the garden and to top the pond up with.It will be natural water with none of the chemicals that are typically used in our
tap water.The sunshine and showers has caused the
Hostas to explode into new growth. They line the gardens concrete path.I am trying to grow smaller pots of
Hostas on hopefully into
barrel planters.The concrete path seems to stop the slugs and snails damaging the leaves.The house sparrows are constantly flying into the
Hosta pots, so maybe they are deterring the slugs and snails.

Ceanothus has formed these beautiful blue flower buds just waiting to open.I hope that the Wakefield Bees will be drawn to these honey scented flowers. The buzzing noise around a California Lilac is one of the sounds of summer.

Geum Mrs Bradshaw is flowering away with these crimson red flowers.They have yellow centres and are held in the air and move in the breeze.
I'm hoping the Geum flowers much more than it did last year.It is almost double the size now on the corner of the sunken border.

One of the joys of this year has been to see Wildlife moving into the newly constructed pond.The Frog is chilling in the Flag Iris pot.The only gravel we could find at
Hampsons was this coloured aquarium stones.This keeps the mud in the pot and stops it from spilling out into the pond.The Flag Iris is just opening its flower buds now.A hint of yellow at the end of the long green stems.These are a British Native Wetland plant, and have been around for thousands of years.They were the symbol of the Anglo Saxon Kings.Flowering in May and June they are one of the glories of the summer.

The pond edge has been softened slightly by the planting of grasses and flowers.I have sowed some Wildflower mix too in the area that surrounds the pond.There is a Frog hanging onto the side of the Flag Iris pot in the top centre of the photo.

This is a second Frog I photographed.He moved in a few days ago.I love how they sit and watch you slightly submerged.He was joined by a smaller darker Frog soon after I took this photo.I have had a weakness for frogs since i was small.I actually collect Frogs, ornaments and cuddly toys.They are like the Water spirits of the garden.After the Harsh winter killed ours I hope that this winter will not be as severe for them.The pond is much deeper now so hopefully will not freeze entirely.

After the heavy rain that filled the water butt I photographed this Collared Dove immersing himself in the birdbath.I have seen Starlings and House Sparrows bathe before.He splashed about like mad for five minutes.I think it drives the parasites off the feathers.He flew up to next doors pergola to primp his feathers afterwards.

The Rose Gertrude Jekyll is almost in flower.She will be the first Rose of the year to bloom.The others are in varying states of budding or just with leaves.The local House Sparrows have been on aphid patrol for me.I got a spiral support for this rose so she could climb skywards and not fall down all over the place.The Gertrude Jekyll is named after a famous lady gardener and has highly scented pink Roses.

The pond has also attracted some Newts.They are like prehistoric dragons swimming around the pond rising to the surface to gulp down some air.This one was feeding around the small Water Lily that I planted a few weeks ago.There is also a large newt with a prominent blue stripe on her tail.With their fish like tails they are like a link between fish and amphibians.

The last photo shows the darker
Aquilegias flowering in the sunken border.They are very striking to look at with their burgundy petals and spurs.The centre of the flower is reminiscent of a church window i think.
The garden is growing in beauty and depth over time.It is a pleasure to walk around and just enjoy the blooms and the wildlife.Dodging between rain showers there is always something to look at.
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