I have finally finished my night shifts.After resting yesterday I spent the day
reacquainting myself with the garden. This photo shows the Lupins, the
Aliums, and the
Ceanothus together growing cheek by jowl. The colours all complement each other, cool shades of blue,purple, and white. The
Ceanothus is also called California Lilac and should hopefully bring the Bees in for miles with its honey scented Blue flowers.

Aquilegias have flowered now.These are the Dragonfly mixed Variety.The pink petals and spurs/white centre contrast to the black ferny leaves of the
Sambuca growing next to the clump. The other
Aquilegias are more darker coloured. The two
Aquilegia Fruit and Nut I bought have not done anything this year.The two varietys will probably hybradise and self seed for years to come.

The warm dry weather has encouraged a boom in the amount of Aphids. The Lupins pictured above had a huge amount of Aphids eating the sweet nectar from the flower spikes. The local House Sparrows descended into the sunken border and proceeded to eat the Aphids. They look liked fine diners eating Corn On The Cob as they moved up and down the Lupins flower spikes.My second lot of Lupins have also got a lot of aphids. More fine dining for the House Sparrows.
I love the natural selection of House Sparrows controlling Aphid populations.I feed the Sparrows seed and Fatball and they keep my plants in good condition.

This is a close up of the Lilac tree flowers. The flowers are starting to wind down now. The variegated tree leaves are covering the branches though. I bought a painting on Canvas of Lilac Tree Flowers and Leaves.I hope year on year that the flowers increase in number.

Flowering away in the Wildflower area around the pond are these two beautiful flowers. The first is white and reminds me of Chicory. The buds behind the flower are like enlarged balloons. I think these were seeds in the Wildflower mix I sowed last year.I do not know what its called.

This pink flower is also blooming in the Wildflower patch today.It has nine petals around a central stamen. The leaves are small and triangular.I hope to be able to find these two flowers in my Wildflower book.
I watered the pots along the garden path. All my Roses, Hostas,Lilys (Casa Blanca,Tiger, Oriental Stargazer, Madonna Lily, and Asiatic),Alpine Strawberries, and the Potatoes in Grow bags.
It actually rained yesterday for the first time in weeks. It was a passing shower so its been dry and sunny today. The pond is actually an inch lower now than when I filled it originally.I can see the water marks dipping down.
I hope that I can plant all my Greenhouse plants at the allotment soon.Only a few days ago I forgot to close the greenhouse door and there was a frost.My Broccoli Garnet look slightly sickly today.They might have to be substituted by Hampsons bought plants.
The sun is shining now as I write this.I will cook some Chocolate Chip Muffins later.I topped up the birds food and changed their water. The garden is always full of Garden Birds.They like my organic and wildlife friendly garden.
Its been nice to catch up with the garden and to show more than one photo.
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