My first day off in six days and im blogging. I cleaned the house up and replenished the bird food in the garden.They were flying in today to eat the bird seed, sunflower hearts, peanuts, and fatballs..
These Hyacinths are starting to form the flowers in the centre of the very bright leaves. These started growing in a dark cupboard without soil or water.They know when they are ready to grow!
I got some gardening gifts for Xmas. A newspaper recycling paper potter which i still dont know how to use! (to make seed pots for the spring), A musical egg that opens to reveal a robin that sings theres no place like home, and a book about Royal gardens in Britain.
I got a white furry Cactus complete with xmas ribbon glued to the pot. Mum sent me some Bird Of Paradise seeds to try and grow.
In the cold grey days its good to see plants growing, reminding us that Spring is a few months away!
I even watched the Queens speech on the BBC i player last night.It a part of xmas as much as holly, xmas tree's and turkey dinner!
I have a few hyasints which have not blommed yet. Just like yours. They are lovely, aren't they :-)
Looking at those lovely young Hyacinth plants, I'm sure I can smell that familiar gorgeous scent!
Thank you for being the first to post on my blog. :)
Love that photo of you hyacinths. After Christmas I long for little pots of spring bulbs and primroses.
Hi Britt Arnhild, thanks for the comment.The Hyacinth seduces us not with the smell but the slow growth of the flower spikes.The beautiful colours and scent makes us will it to grow faster!It will flower when its ready though..
Hi Lesley,You are welcome for the comment.The Rose was lovely..I have sniffed the growing bulbs but they do not smell yet...
Hi Amy, the pots of Spring Bulbs and Primroses are what keeps gardeners dreaming.The thought of light and warmer days.Thanks for the comment :)
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