Thursday, May 26, 2005

End of a stretch

I am off now today and tomorrow.I worked four nights, seven days, and a study day.The garden feels a little neglected.This is a quick update I will take photos tomorrow of growing things.
The gasmen have ripped four large holes in our garden to expose gas pipes.I was mortified they dug up my japanese maple, and small euonymus green/gold.The former is now in a square grey pot, the latter in the cottage garden.
I got a gardening newspaper with free seeds (read previous a sucker for free seeds).
I have flower on the Camelia, and an explosion of new leafs from buds, the snapdragons have gorgeous pink flowers on one, and buds on the other.
The french marigolds continue to grow,does anybody know what the hard balack thing at the centre of the leaves is.A flower bud point or something?On one it is egg shaped.
The seedlings of love in the mist, and candytuft have developed their first pairs of proper leaves.Love in the mist have gorgeous downy fern like leaves.
My one sunflower grows up the little stick.I need a good sized pole to train it up.The ladybird windcatcher succumbed to the wind and is broken.
The lettuce seedlings grow slowly,still waiting for the other seedlings to break through the soil.Sallyanne shouted at the workmen who dug holes not to disturb the vegetable patch.
Around the various borders the gladiolus, dutch irish, and wierd other bulbs are springing up so swords of green leaves rise from the soil.
As i squatted in the soil examining my handywork I was warmed by the sun.Great feeling the sun on my face, neck, and arms!!
Everyone at work thought i had been away somewhere foreign.I have been in costa del castleford in our garden,I love it!!!!

1 comment:

OldRoses said...

YES! Your marigolds are budded. How exciting. I can't wait to see the pictures. So sorry about the excavation work. I had a huge trench dug in my front yard from the foundation to the curb to replace a sewer line back in 2002. I lost a ton of bulbs. Hydrangeas are tough. They dug one up and just casually threw it on top of a dirt pile. I replanted it when they were through but didn't think it would make it after spending the entire month of January with its roots exposed. It lived and flowered!