This was the allotment at the end of my four and a half hours there yesterday. I have dug along the path that divides my plot from the adjoining one. The two separate sections now meet. Its a case now of continuing to dig the plot, and eventually remove the covers that cover the middle section. They have done a good job of suppressing weed growth, and killing off the top layers of grasses. The first crops need planting once I'm off again. Maybe Sunday if its not raining. I also cleared the brambles, debris, and deadwood in the Gooseberry Bush that sits on the corner of the plot behind the Rhubarbs. It must be ten years old, and is laden with little red and white flower buds. If they all get germinated it will be a bumper crop of Gooseberries. I need to find some recipes to use them up.

The weather today has turned to a howling gale. The garden is being buffeted by high winds and things were getting rolled around. The grey chairs, the Bird Table (again..it is top heavy), plastic pots, and a compost bin waiting for transport to the plot. I have gone out and tried to batten down the hatches. I placed bricks on the Apple Tree pot to stop it being blown over. I have moved the heavy bird feeders onto the static feeder. The Heron wind chime is now indoors away from the wind. I put the bird table against the fence so it is not as exposed. The sun is shining illuminating the leaves, twigs, and paper that is being blown around by the gusting winds. The photo is of the Muscari, or Grape Hyacinth. It looks beautiful and was back lit by the natural sunlight. It is fragrant too. These were growing under a Hebe bush. I dug them up and put them into a pot. I promptly forgot about them until I saw the pot this year with green leaves growing upwards. They are more compact than the Hyacinths. They were so heavy that the pink flower spikes have collapsed onto the sunken border. The smell of the pink Hyacinths on an evening is delicious.

I got an email today from the RSPB with the results of the Big Garden Bird count that I blogged about in April. Over 600,00 people took part counting over 2 million birds!
I tried catching the Goldfinches in flight. I want to capture an image of them squabbling in midair. They yell at each other but go beak to beak. They do not touch however. Their hovering control is beautiful to watch. I will keep watching and trying to photograph Goldfinches in territorial disputes. I like this photo even though its slightly off centre. It captures some of the movement of these beautiful songfull birds.

The last photo is of a Greenfinch. He is a rare visitor to the feeders. He has a fondness for the sunflower hearts. These are regularly topped up in the hexagonal feeder. He has got sunflower hearts all over his beak.
The only birds brave enough to fly in the howling gales are the Goldfinches. For little birds they are very resilient feeding in snow, rain, or like today high winds.
The sun is shining outside now bathing the garden in a lovely light. The last day of March is here already.
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