This Dahlia was in full bloom when we returned from our week camping in the Forest Of Dean.
I have just uploaded the photos onto the laptop. We had great weather for the seven days. It only rained on one of those days.
In Yorkshire it has been raining lots. Our garden is damp from the rain, and the grass growing in our abscence.
I lost the Dahlias name but it is a lovely pink/white bloom with yellow centre.
My Lilys also flowered for my return. I enjoyed the wildness of the Forest, but it is nice to be back in Yorkshire despite the rain.
I need to go to the allotment when its not pouring with rain to harvest more Vegetables and Potatoes. The garden needs tidying as well. Even a week away has seen the garden become more wild..
I wish my Dahlia looked this good! I planted several but only 1 ended up blooming and it was nowhere near this gorgeous.
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