I bought these Daffodils from
Hampsons last week. Four bunches of cut stems with the flower buds covered by a thin brown layer like onion skin. I placed them in two Vases with some sugar water and a few drops of lemon juice. They immediately perked up and started to grow.

The golden trumpets and surrounding petals are so evocative of warm spring days to come, with a gentle breeze blowing the flowers around. Like golden can can dancers bobbing along on the wind. They are warm to look at, even with our cold and wet winter still being here.

The light illuminates the flowers like church windows. I want to plant loads of bulbs in the new house so I can enjoy the spring when it comes. We finally have the go ahead to start packing boxes. The trials and tribulations are almost over!
The plants need digging up and storing in pots ready for the move. The garden here is awash with the white of the Snowdrops, the purple flowers of the Primulas, and the orange/tiger stripes of Crocuses. The garden Daffodils are growing in earnest, with the odd flower bud shown.
The new house will have a new garden to develop from an almost blank canvas. I can paint the garden with colourful flowers including my favourite Daffodils and Narcissus.
love your banner pic!
I am amazed to see the floral arrangement on your blog. it looks awesome. Keep it up the good work.
There are some fantastic plants available from www.gardeningexpress.co.uk
Well worth a look if you love your garden
Beautiful Daffodils, I´m longing for the spring to come to Sweden. We have 50 cm of snow here right now.
Just stumbled onto your blog. As a still life painter, I'm enjoying the beautiful daffodils. Going to bed tonight with lots of pretty flowers swirling in my head.
Daffs are amazing this time of year! I need to stop by my local Trader Joe's and pick up a few bundles! Cheers!
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