I finished my weekend at work and have been resting today.The Hurricane
Katia has made its way across the Atlantic Ocean.The winds are now buffeting the west coast of Britain.Its amazing how a Hurricane that was in New York had enough steam to cross the big pond.The garden has been battered today by gusting winds.The bird table has blown over,and other debris has been thrown around the garden.These Butterfly flowers have been flowering away.I love the flowers facial markings.

The Duchess Asters continue to attract Bees to gain some late nectar.The colour they add makes up for their slow growing.These originated in a packet of seeds my Mum sent me a few Xmas's ago.Their colours remind me of coloured Jelly beans.I will grow more of these next year.

An addition this year was this Red
Dianthus.It has more pink markings than the plant label photo showed!Maybe they used a red camera filter.This plant goes well with my container grown
Dianthus Jazz ,that has been growing year after year.I love the colours and the smell of cloves from the flowers.
Cats Mum brought us some plug plants today.They need growing on in the greenhouse and will make some Winter Baskets.Normally the hanging baskets bloom
until the first frosts.I would empty the baskets then stack them in the greenhouse.I hope that hardy winter plants can survive a Yorkshire winter.
I will try to keep the Fuchsia's to see if i can over winter them.I have six in baskets,and a climbing Fuchsia from
Cromer that cats parents bought us this year.
I hope that the winds do not do too much damage to the garden.I can hear the wind gusting and objects being moved around.
It is a time to reflect on whats grown well,what has not,and what I can grow next year.The seasons keep turning slowly changing how the garden and surrounding Trees looks.
Lovely images... keeping my fingers crossed that your gardens will survive the winds.
Some of my dianthus is sprouting some are not. So sad to see they died before they're sprouting a lil higher than 1mm. I accidentally watered them coz I see the soil is drying. Fyi, I germinate them on partly shed area (half sun half shed) in small cups with lids. I didnt keep them indoors coz i read that they need heat. So i thought the heat from the sun can make the germination gone well. Can you give me some tips to grow Dianthus?
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