I cannot believe it is September already.The year has flown by.As i'm writing this the wind is blowing hard outside shaking all the plants and flowers.It has rained for the past few days,and the trees leaves have started to change colour.It has an Autumnal feel to the day.The garden still has flowers blooming.This first one is the Ice Plant or Sedum.It is very attractive to bees and was brought from Fishponds drive.I love the succulent leaves and the small white flowers.These turn into brown seedheads which will stay over the winter.The plant regrows from the base in the spring.I look forward to seeing it as a sign that winter is nearly over.

The Rose Wisley has one more Rose bud on it.Despite a poor start the rose has flowered,and the blooms are beautiful.It has an old rose smell,and the petals are so delicate.I love my Roses.I still would like to buy more in the winter.As the summer garden comes to an end I am already imagining the new growing season.It will be time soon to recieve the seed company catalogues,and gardening books for inspiration.

The most outstanding Rose of this year has been the Harlow Carr.It has bloomed magnificently for months and stills smells lovely.The branches flop all over and needed supporting to show the pink cupped flowers off.
I have the next few days off to garden,and to go to the allotment.I hope it stays dry for some of my time off.
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