The weather turned very cold last night and a freezing wind has blasted us. I decided to take Cat for a winter walk around the local nature reserve and boating lake at Pugneys. The lake was frozen over in all but the deepest waters. The birds from the reserve lake had flown across to the watersports lake which was not as frozen. The dinghys, canoes, and peddelos were stacked up as the waterpsports centre is shut untill the first of January. The frozen water meant they could not do any of those things either..

There were loads of honking Canadien geese flying from field to field, in a cacaphonous mass of wings and beaks. They all flew en masse following the leader.

This lake water looked like ying and yang. The bottom left hand corner is frozen. The top right hand corner is deeper water and had not frozen. Hundreds of birds were in the unfrozen water eating and swimming.

The Geese are a spectacle as they flew low over the tree's before they skimmed the water untill their feet stuck out to slow them down as they landed. They managed to avoid landing on the ice.
The whole of Pugneys path was covered in ice. We slipped and slid around like bambi on ice, and got frozen by the cold wind.
We ate Tomato and Red Pepper soup with a Ciabatta roll and butter to defrost at the cafe. Only a few people were brave enough to venture around the chilly lake.
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