Sunflower slowly unfurling in green pot

"In my garden there is a large place for sentiment. My garden of flowers is also my garden of thoughts and dreams. The thoughts grow as freely as the flowers, and the dreams are as beautiful." (~Abram L. Urban)
My sunflowers grow from birdseed. Usually I weed out any seedlings that germinate, but sometimes I miss one or two and find flowers much later on.
i love them.I have three grown from birdseed drops.Two i grew on in pots.The third was nestled beneath the forget me nots.I also grew ten from seeds, the little leo's.I still think they are childhood memory plants (although i never grew one so maybe im reliving missed childhood memories), and symbolic of summers.People in England have races with how high they can grow their sunflowers.The big ones grow up to the tops of houses.Birds love them too if you let them go to seed after flowering.You can eat the seeds too.What a flower!!
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