Wednesday, January 11, 2006

winter muse

what do you think i should grow from the spring onwards?Last year i tried to grow tomatos and started with seedlings but they all died mysteriously.I grew little gem lettuces but got too tired to pick them and they turned into tall plants.The carrots were demolished by hordes of slugs, and the spring onions were decimated.
Im thinking of grow bags for salad leaves, pots for tomatoe plants and strawberries.I think i will not plant fruit and veg in the ground.
My neighbours have little time for gardening.One side is under attack from every weed that grows across.Bindweed, crows feet, brambles,nettles...
Im more of a flower person.The old favourites are geraniums, busy lizzies, roses, french marigolds.
I grew some beautiful evening primroses which have been killed by the frosts...
I want some new rose bushes for the border besides the coal bunker.Maybe some climbers on the back fence.I think some chain link fence will be support for growing climbing plants.I will look up companian planting to keep away bugs, and encourage lady birds etc.
I want to start feeding the birds again.I dont know hows best to put the food out.I have been using the birch tree, and the concrete post with a metal bolt stuck out of it.
The grass needs trimming.I could do with a lawn mower with wheels.The garden slopes from top to bottom but can be cut along the slopes.The hover mower needs physically pushing.It was twenty pounds two years ago...
Im waiting for some seeds catalogue to come so i can design the garden borders in my head.Winter is about tidying, and sitting indoors planning with a hot drink and colour pictures from glossy brochures.


OldRoses said...

I am not a veggie person so I can't advise you on that point. To keep out the weeds from the neighbors, you want something that grows densely that the weeds can't penetrate. I like Dianthus (Pinks) for that. They form a thick mat. If you grow heirloom ones (I have Ipswich pinks), they are incredibly fragrant when they bloom. I grow morning glories on the ugly chainlink fence that surrounds my backyard. Probably Sweet Peas would do nicely on a chainlink fence also. This year I am planting a Hummingbird garden so I'm going to grow Cypress Vine (Ipomoea quamoclit) on that section of the fence. And I found this for you on attracting ladybugs:"Apart from aphids, ladybugs also require a source of pollen for food and are attracted to specific types of plants. The most popular ones have umbrella shaped flowers such as fennel, dill, cilantro, caraway, angelica, tansy, wild carrot & yarrow. Other plants that also attract ladybugs include cosmos (especially the white ones), coreopsis, and scented geraniums, dandelions." If these names are unfamiliar to you (I got this from an American site) just google them and I'm sure the British equivalents will appear.

David (Snappy) said...

Thanks oldroses.The new fence is a partial protective border, as in that i can chop the invading weeds as they spill over.
I grew some morning glory before in Gloucester.They had enormous blue/white flowers like plates.Sweet peas are nice too and fragrant like honey/vanilla.
I will look at the ladybird flowers too.
They are so sweet to look at, and happily move around your hand when you find them.
They saved my orange tea roses too after an infestation of aphids had started to discolour the leaves.It was serendipitous i had planted french marigolds.The adybirds moved in and feasted, my roses bloomed.

crazygramma said...

I agreed with Oldroses the sweetpeas are a great fast growing and so colourful. Marigolds are good for keeping aphids off roses.