The Zinnia from the plant stall is still in flower.Bright Crimson petals with a yellow ring in the middle.
This has lasted for a few weeks and the flower is still in perfect condition despite the rain.
A contrasting colour to the electric blue Iris..more posts tomorrow on my one day off.
I just adore zinnias... They're moving in on petunias for favorite status.
I'm very surprised to see that zinnias can grow for you. I tried a couple times here in Ireland, but they always looked so bedraggled and sad, and never did well. I thought they needed warmer weather than what we get. But maybe where you live might be a bit warmer? Or possibly, the newer zinnias can stand the cool rainy weather.
Pretty and colorful flowers, I've always admired them.
Hi Daisy, this is the first time I have grown Zinnias.The first plant rotted at the top for some unknown reason.This second plant has bloomed with the tough red flower.I tried growing Purple Prince Zinnias but none of the seeds germinated in the wet conditions...
Hi Sylvia,I am suprised it has flowered.The weather has been warm but very wet through much of July and August, with occasional sunshine.
It warms up in late April or May here in Yorkshire.This is just one tough plant :)
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