In the rain yesterday the Dahlia Night queen stands out like an olympic torch. It is a gorgeous double flower around the yellow centre. Another Dahlia is in the foreground to the right, and the Rose Margaret Merrill to the left. One photo with three flowers vying for the cameras attention.

The Night Queen which looks more hot pink than Crimson coloured.The flower has withstood a pelting from some very heavy rain where other flowers have disintegrated.

The Dahlia lemon yellow one growing lower but just as beautiful in the complexity of the yellow petals, arranged in a spiral fashion.

The Rose of Margaret Merrill in flower again yesterday.Im at work all day today and hope to be upto the allotment on Thursday.I hope its dry for a bit of the day...
Dude, your dahlias are awesome. Mine have bushed out but produced so few blooms. Not sure what I did wrong...
Hi Daisy, my Dahlias are still flowering beautifully.Maybe they like the warm weather and the sunshine.Theres always next year if they dont perform this year!
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