A sea of scented pink petals to start todays blog post.This is the second bloom of the Zephrine Drouhain climbing rose.The scent is extremely fragrant.My bare root roses have given a few flowers, but im hopefull that they will give a profusion of blooms next year.The rain fell and caught on the bright pink petals.I smelt the Rose and the rain.

The Rose at midday today with me getting wet photographing it.The first bloom opened when i was at Tatton Park two weeks ago.This Rose likes to keep me waiting, over how slow it grew in the pot, and now to when the buds will show some colour before opening.The anticipation of each new Rose bloom makes me excited still.I like each one as a work of natural art.

Yesterday at 8pm on the eighth day of the eighth month of 2008 the opening ceremony of the 29th modern Olympic games took place in Beijing, China.The photo was from the BBC news website but shows my favourite Olympic image, the flaming torch that will burn for the next sixteen days (15 now) of competition.
I watched it on BBCi player because I was working yesterday when it was televised.Im glad I watched it for three and a half hours because it was spectacular.
my day off has been about Roses and the Olympics.
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