A morning post after my first night shift.It rained torrentially yesterday afternoon, and all last night.Thunder claps sounded as the rain pelted down.
My Heleniums look bedraggled this morning in the morning sunlight. Mist rose from the fences and plants as the sun warmed up the air this morning.
I always try to look at the garden after a long night to see what has flowered, or what has been damaged by heavy rainfall.
It all looks green, and the Eucomis and Tomato plants seem to have grown since yesterday.
The rain and clouds have gone and the sun is shining this morning.Three more nights for me to go. Three more days of sitting on the Rose bench with coffee watching the bee's on the Teasel.
I have enjoyed the garden just sitting and looking, and listening, in a reflective mood.
After all my work its good to sit down and be still.
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