One of my new plants this year is the gorgeous Kerria Japonica. Also called Jews Mallow or just Kerria. The bright double yellow flowers and light green oval leaves can illuminate the shadiest north facing wall or dark corner.
When I saw these before in a council display I did not know the name of it. I had the most comments about what is was, in all of Snappys Gardens blog posts.
This was known through the UK, North America, and Europe.
This plant will be moving with me in June. I will take a lot of the garden plants with me.
Each one has a story or a reason why I like them. Either the colour of the flower, or the scent of the pollen, or the shape of the plants.
I know people move houses, but do they always try to take their favourite plants with them to the new house?
The Kerria will defintely make the trip, along with the Rose Lady Emma Hamilton.
I didn't know that Kerria was also known as Jew's Mallow.
When we move house, there are more plants in the removal van than furniture! lol
Could be re-named 'Jaws is Mellow' --- give us a ring bruv!
I'm working next door to Gloucester Hospital this week. Any sights of Glos you'd recommend?
hope you're well, Sis x
I have this plant to, such a splash of colour. Happy gardening!
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