A Rose in November is a lovely sight.The rest of the garden is starting to go into the winter slumber.Only the Viburnum Tinus continues with its mixture of flower buds, flowers, and blue/black berrys.
As usual I am late planting the spring bulbs.Its always too enticing to stay indoors and look outside when its bitterly cold.
The dying back garden has a rugged wild charm, and I am loathe to cut it all back just yet.
The seed heads have formed on some plants and they will look stunning when covered with icy frosts or snow.
This Fred Loads has a few more buds on it yet, so this may not be the last Rose of 2008.
I didn't get my bulbs in and just cut back my roses. I guess I will hope for some good sales soon on close-outs and get them in before the end of November!
Yes, the pods and seed heads are going to look grand with frost.
Hi Anna,Its forecast frost tonight so I will look tomorrow morning early to see what patterns the ice might have left!
Its always good to get bulbs cheap when they are having clear out sales.I have a whole pile of Summer bulbs waiting for next year...
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