After a weeks holiday in the Scottish Highlands and one day back at work i finally went back into the garden with a camera.The rain days and early darkness keep you indoors more watching
TV.I emptied out all the hanging baskets ready for the winter bedding plants.Cats parents gave us three varieties of plants to grow over the winter.After my nights I will plant up the baskets and the pots around the garden.Violas,
Pansy's,and Sweet Williams.I have some Blue Tulips to plant to.The Arthur Bell Rose has managed a late flush of colour.Beautiful lemon yellow with a lovely old rose fragrance.It glows after the rain has fallen.

Gertrude Jekyll looked sickly and I did not expect her to
re bloom but she has.The pink Roses are amazingly fragrant and the colour glows in the dying autumn garden.She needs training up the supports we bought so the flowers can be supported next year.

When we were away in Scotland Cats Dad and John helped put our bird box up above the backdoor.The birds have all winter to find it and suss it out.I topped up the birds food today.They will start coming into the garden soon with the colder days ahead.
I have lots more tidying to do in the garden.There are spring bulbs already planted so they need clear soil to grow up through the earth.I cleared one Teasel away from the pond area.I snipped some dead flower heads back so you can see the pond outline again.I think I will leave the pond clearing until spring.The frogs should be able to chill in the deep water without freezing.
I will keep going out and clearing the garden debris a bit at a time.When spring comes it will be ready for another growing season.
The mole that visits us seems to have moved away.There have been no more mole hills yet.I saw a small brown mouse the other day running along the fence.
The garden birds and the wildlife like the garden as much as me.I will do more blog posts too now after my little break..
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