I just spent about an hour replying to the masses of comments the blog has taken over the past two days.I followed up some leads on my mystery plant, that had the words MON LAM on the seed packet.These were grown in a silver pot and then transplanted outside where the leafs grew into sage smelling ones, and three layers of flower buds like a wedding cake.
Thanks to all my helpers who helped me scour through the internet, through google images and website search.
The Image to the left is from: http://www.terrapin-gardens.com/perennials/photos/monarda-lambada-m.jpg
I found it on google images after a tip said Monarda.I have seen bee balm before (fraggle flowers) but they were red flowered.
However at the bottom was this picture, just like the pictures i have been posting.The name Monarda Lambada, shortened to Mon Lam on the seed packet.
I was so excited after months of frustration.The relief and joy went all over me.Thanks to all the people who have helped me track this beauty down.The riddle is solved.
I have Monarda (Bee Balm)in RED which I posted and I have it in a LAVENDER shade just like your seed package! They attract the hummers and bees and butterflies! What a nice fresh look to your blogsite since I last visited! P.S. I answered your latest question at my comment site. :>)
Yay! You finally found it. Sorry about the sage red herrings. I'm glad someone knew better. (But that happens to me with my mystery plants, too.)
YAY!!! I'm so happy you figured it out, Snappy. :) I also think that "Fraggle Flowers" is a totally appropriate name for monarda, so I'm going to use that from now on.
Thanks Nature girl.Do you mean the white template instead of the blue one?I checked out the DL meaning on your sites comments, thanks!!
Karen, thanks for trying.Its a bit like sherlock holmes, by removing what it isnt you should narrow in down to what it is.Im lucky that an image was almost the same as the shape of my plants..
Blackswamp girl, thanks.I loved the muppets, and fraggles.The red bee balm is fraggle-ish.ha ha.Glad you like the name..
Congratulations on identifying the Mon Lam. It looks like a great plant--I'm going to look for seeds here and give them a try. Glad our fellow bloggers were able to help with the identification. What did gardeners do with mystery plants before the blogs???
Can i post seeds to Alameda?I can try to collect them once the flowers have finished.I guess the mystery plants used to be photographed or drawn and taken to experts.
I know the RHS has a plant identification service where people send them a leaf or flower for working out what it is.
Thank goodness for the internet..
Hey, that's great! But it's also wierd because the seed packet picture looks exactly like my mystery flower. I'll have to send you a picture. It's on my blog too. Don't know if you saw it.
It's a great feeling to have the mystery solved, I know. But now I'm wondering about mine again :)
As one mystery ends Kerri, another begins.I do have a vague idea that i bought monards seeds but it was two years ago.They sat in the seed margerine tub untill i planted them on a whim.The first lot never germinated, but the dried out exposed seeds went wild and voila, a gorgeous plant!!
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