Sunday, August 20, 2006

Dandelion wine update

The Flowers were removed today from the quite pungent liquid after three days soaking. I added ingredients and boiled the mixture for thirty minutes. The yeast has been added. Fermentation is beginning now.
Alas it will be at least three months before i can try my first drink of Dandelion wine.
I have had no advice from anyone, as everyone i spoke to said their Dad's made it. I want to try and resurect the art, and bring 2006 back into the traditional art of making wine from weeds, with a hint of the fairy magic that they used to believe helped transform it into a sweet alcoholic drink..
Further updates to follow.. (thats my hand holding it up the flower ha ha.No face pic today).


Jenn said...

If you don't like the taste at three months, store it for a year. Or more. This is definitely a wine that gets more palatable as it ages.

Georgina said...

Hey Dave, can't wait to taste the dandelion wine. Will you bring some to me, or will you save some for when I visit?!
Sis x

Tea said...

I`ve never tried Dandelion wine. Always been curious :)


Tea said...

I`ve never tried Dandelion wine. Always been curious :)


lisa said...

I tried to make some while I was in high school-with awful results! Sure hope you have more sucess...I'm told it's really good. I went to an auction with my dad in Amish country as a kid-a one gallon jug went for $40.00!

David (Snappy) said...

Thanks Jenn,I will not try it properly untill three months are up.It already smells alcoholic with the yeast bubbling away.
Hey Jaws, I will bring some down to Kent or you can drink some up here..
T&M its been pretty simple to make.The main work is collecting the flower heads and getting the petals off..then its a wait for fermentation..
Lisa, was the one gallon jug made by some reputable people?I would give people a glass of mine, but only after i have tried it.The concept of brewing a mead from wildflowers really got to me..

lisa said...

Actually, the jug sold was made by people the purchasers didn't even know...guess they just took a whiff and knew it was ok...kinda scarey!