I was reading about gardening programs on the BBC. Gardeners World had lost over 2 million viewers with its new basic approach, and gimmicks. It has been reduced to thirty minutes, and aimed at the experienced gardeners that turned off in the past year.
One of my garden hero's is Monty Don, and on Thursday he was back on the tv. Presenting a program called "My Dream Farm". He helps out six couples who want to leave an urban existance for the countryside and a working farm.
He looked back to his old self (He had to leave Gardeners world last year due to his punishing schedule effecting his health). He is a total garden fanatic and loves horticulture. He has the earth ingrained into his hands and into his blood. He is knowledgeable and passionate about gardening, growing vegetables, and returning people to the natural world that they have lost sight of. He is also president of the Organic Soil Growers association.
The other legend of Gardening returning is Alan Titchmarsh. He is due to make a series of programs about the great British public gardens, visiting them, and seeing how they are run.
The mixture of old and new seems to work in the garden, as well as on the TV.
I haven't been around for a while.. funny, sometime I just fade away, and come back to see you are still blogging away. I love your writing, it's lovely to read, very poetic and gentle.
Pretty photo of the little robin down below, and the blackbird. I have these birds in my garden too, but can never get close enough for a good photo. Our one bird that is protective of "his" apple tree is the mistle thrush.
Lovely snowdrop, I haven't seen mine yet.
Lets hope this cold weather passes soon.. I can actually feel spring in the air on some days.
Hi Salix Tree,thanks for your kind comments.I'm glad you are back online again.I'm just lucky with the birds being photogenic.The weather here is damp and rainy, but not as cold as December.I hope you drop by soon :)
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