Saturday, November 26, 2005

Gardens update

Its november.The summery garden is now just a memory with the pictures and the vagaries of my mind to remember.Its the tin stove season.
It has been freezing for days, with an icy north wind blowing from Scandanavia.The only things left growing are geraniums.
I am planning again for next spring, and summer.New roses, new blooming flowers.I need to get seedpackets and plan again.More photos soon.
The green soul never completely goes, even when life is raging around you.Lifes storms send our ships to and fro.The garden is a welcome respite from those stormy waters.Somewhere to reflect, rejuvenate, and plan the next moves.


OldRoses said...

Those darn Scandinavians! We get our arctic blasts courtesy of our Canadian neighbors. I don't complain in the summer though when they send us cooling breezes! Can't wait to see what you are planning for next year.

David (Snappy) said...

Cold winters make you long for spring and summer.Want to get some seed catalogues.

crazygramma said...

Ah the promises of Spring. I picked up a magazine the other day filled with wonderful Christmas ideas but this was quickly replaced when I noticed a gardening magazine. Sorry about the artic blasts Oldroses but we can't keep it all.

Sylvana said...

I can't wait!!!