Friday, August 25, 2006

Yellow magic around the white birch tree Posted by Picasa


Carol Michel said...

I can't tell from the picuture, what is "yellow magic"?

David (Snappy) said...

The magic is the Dandelions.Many people cannot see them even when they are there.The magic is transforming weed into a strong wine, centurys old tradition throughout Britain, and Europe even.The dandelion has travelled around the world...

Carol Michel said...

I had a feeling they were dandelions, plague of all American lawns. People run for the weedkiller when they see them. I suppose if they knew how to turn them into wine, they would like at them much differently.

David (Snappy) said...

They are gorgeous flowers though.So bright and cheery.The leaves and roots are a pest (you can eat all of the plant though not just the petals for wine).My hillside garden is exposed and full of them.I dont use any chemicals so they are staying in my i have a good use for them.