Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Growing today

My Clary seedling, stepping onto camera for the first time.These salvia are suppossed to be a mixture of purple, pink, and blue leaves I think. They also have some peach fluff growing on the stem and leaves.These all need repotting in plastic pots but i do not have enough compost.Its on my list for tomorrow..

Flower buds on the asiatic pink lilly.It has got four growing flower stems with between three to six buds per stem.They are quick developers from a bulb in soil to one and half feet tall stems with lots of soft downy leaves.The biggest stem has soft white hair on the leaves.

The Two gardeners delight Hilary gave me, sitting in the pots they are to be transplanted in. They are solid looking plants, not like my sickly specimins.I hope they fruit well.They have some flower buds on already.
The Oriental Stargazer lilly, one of a pair.The bottom stem is very woody.Its spending its early energy making a solid base. Laying down lignin over the teeth like white roots that burrow from the base into the soil. The leaves are opening up slowly, like umbrellas :)
The most advanced chinese ground orchid after a week of classic fm.It has a year left before it flowers I think.
There are many more plants than that but i think i will keep them secret untill they have grown on a bit.
The indoor greenhouse is looking very green, and the windowsills are alive with plants and seedlings.


Naturegirl said...

Don't you just LoVe Spring and all the new beginnings! My prized Stargazers are really shooting up in the garden each day at least another inch..our weather here in Canada has finally warmed up and the birds and gardener rejoice!! :)NG

David (Snappy) said...

Naturegirl, I hope my Stargazers grow well, they are growing woody stems now, and star like green leaves peel off move down, then drop off.The stem is beautiful red/brown colour.I have never grown them before so i am monitoring the growth all the time.
The weather here is warm during the day, but cold at night.The light is getting earlier, and darkness later.I love spring :)
Hope you photograpg your stargazers so we can compare blooms and stems!