Saturday, April 08, 2006

Morning glory sunrise serenade

Here is a different image, the one on my seed packet.Cant wait to test out the seeds,Apparently they need soaking for 24 hours in warm water.Watch this space!!

This image was swiped from google image search of the above named morning glory after it was tested by an American university.


roybe said...

It's nice to see your morning glory looking so attractive. over here in subtropical queensland it grows rampant and is regarded as a weed unfortunatly.I get nostalgic browsing through your english garden, being ex uk 40years ago.qgtvaufw

David (Snappy) said...

Its funny how weeds in Queensland are considered beautiful plants here.Glad you like the blog, do you have a garden in QLD?What do you grow?

roybe said...

hello snappy, I sent you an email because I couldn't access your comments for some reason. a lot of what we grow you probably would have to grow in a hot house. but there would be a number of australian native plants would grow in england. please feel free to visit at your leasure regards roy