Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Off Sick

I have been off work today with poisoning from a prawn sandwich.Eeeeeeeeel being sick at half past one AM!
I slept off the worst of it but woke with a terrible headache.I went to the shop for polo's for my babes, and cigs.
I have been out in garden, examining all the plants.Tidying up rubbish and collapsed busy lizzies.
I started soaking the morning glory seeds in warm water.Planted some nasturtium seeds in a pot and along my long border where the busy lizzies failed.
For outside i planted two pots of basil seeds, to keep flys away from the backdoor.Inside i planted the sunflower little leos.
The gladiolus were found and planted at the back corner of the long border to hopefully give some height and mask the bindweed dead corner by blocking the view.
My rose bushes have got new growth on so thats good.One Erysimim plant has yellowing flower buds.The snapdragons continue to grow strong.
My self seeded violas have started flowering with purple faces and white eyes.I think the clump is about a half dozen plants.
My japenese maples have new leafy growth on, and the white blossom tree some white buds.The kitchen window red tree has red buds springing up.
The planting arrangment is perfect i think from all angles.I have worked hard on the garden.My next jobs will be to cut the wintered grass and trim the edges.I am picking rubbish off because its so windy.
Next door are having their garden relandscaped after the dog destroyed it.He dug the hole the workmen thought.
Two busy lizzies might have survived the frost in the long border.The rest were mush!!

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