Thursday, April 13, 2006

Feeling Better

Not much gardening news really today.I planted the morning glory seeds in a seed tray, and moved all the cactus upstairs to our room.
I walked around the garden, refilled my bird feeders with some seeds.Picked a few weeds out.My Erysimum have got yellow leaves at the bottom of the stars?Are they lime hating plants i wander or do old leaves turn yellow?
Took some odd night pics of the ghostly glows from my garden lights.I want more lights to illuminate the garden.Preferably one that changes colours.
I read a good Blog today about how life makes gardens raggedy around the edges and not neat, pristine like TV ones or gardens in books.
Sallyanne likes using the area around the compost bin to store wrecked furniture and cardboard boxes.I try to clean it up.We have had three big skips already but the detritus remains!!
Our wind swept garden also attracts the neighbours street rubbish like paper and crisp packets.They get blown in and stick in the grass or hedge.
I have been looking at the seed trays for any signs of germination.Not a sausage!!Are watched seed trays like watched pots that never boil?Maybe they are shy prefering to germinate unwatched by gardeners eyes.
I want to try to identify all the weeds that live on the hillside.I know the bindweed, brambles (which grows blackberrys in the hedge), dandelions, white and red clovers.
If i find a site i will link it and identify my weeds.Just plants that are not planned.Last year i had a wild petunia with purple trumpety flower and delicious honey/vanilla scent at night.
Some bird had dropped the seed.But it takes an act of faith to leave WEEDS growing to see what they grow into.
A few pics to follow.I still need a new lawn mower, and some idea of what to plant in the square border.Since the busy lizzies keeled over its just roses and secret hostas (still under the soil).

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