The apple tree, gooseberry bush, and first sown cabbages have been sunbathing in the corner.I am working nights so posts will resume from Saturday properly.I am going to the Spring Flower Show in Harrogate on Sunday, fingers crossed its not too wet.
An unwatched garden seems to grow faster than one that is being looked at daily :)
Hi Nancy,I still walked around briefly this morning to have a look at the garden.Nothing has miraculously flowered in my abscence. Am off to bed soon to dream of flowers!Glad you liked the Robin.They are just so cute sat on the fence posts surveying their garden :)
Are you sure that's a robin? It looks a little different to me. Mine are big, fat, and puffy, and their breasts are totally an orange color. This bird doesn't look at all like mine. Oh well, it's a sweet picture!
Hi Vonlafin,The Robins of the USA and UK are two different species.They only share the common name.I have done a post called A Tale Of Two Robins earlier..Thanks for the nice comment!
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