The allotment yesterday after I had finished for the day. It was Sunny between showers of rain, and strong winds.
I turned four beds over and wrecked my hands. Patience is hard to come by when you have many plants growing or seed potatoes chitting in the spare room. The clay soil was still boggy in places, and rainwater still pooling.I turned it over to try to dry it out a bit..
I have four night shifts coming up to let my blisters heal. I spent today planting annual seeds in the garden.
Purple Zinnias, Calendulas, Scarlet Flax in the left hand border.
The right hand border has Aquilegia Grannys Bonnett, Snapdragon seeds from Cats garden, Lavatera, Love In The Mist, Cornflowers, Chamomile, and more Zinnia.
In the windowbox I put in Virginia Stock, Scented Night Stock, and some Nicotiana..
After the April reflections I got the urge to plant seeds.There is something calming in cupping seeds and sowing them along your marked rows..
Hopefully they will start germinating under the soil as I am doing nights. The allotment needs digging over and manure adding next week, before some planting of veg seeds.
Next week will be about soil and seeds.
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