Thanks to Claire from Claires Garden
, and Sue from A Balcony Garden.
Both nominated me for E for excellent award.I am flattered thank you both!
The rules state that I have to pick ten further blogs to pass it on. I have to think of twenty :)
Todays photo is a Rain drop on the Pink climbing rose leaves. It is a slow starter in comparison to the other Roses.
I have seven rose plants in the Garden.Two Climbing, two Tea Roses, two Floribunda, and the David Austin Lady Emma Hamilton.
Its been raining all today, the allotment will be swimming but I will go up for a few hours on Wednesday to try and dig the beds and add manure.
There are potatoes and onions ready to plant, Brussel Sprout and Cabbage plants growing here itching to be planted in prepared beds.
I sowed the African bag garden seeds today. Rocket, Spinach Beet, Beetroot, Spring onions, dwarf French beans, and Mustard greens. I also added Parsnip seeds between the already growing mixed lettuces. Eight varieties in two Hessian sacks.
I got an email too from Selections.My vegetable planters (polythene square bags) have been dispatched.I got the allotment after I ordered them!I do need more soil ready for growing more baby carrots.The first lot of plants are growing on in the cold frame.
April has been wet and cold so far.I hope things warm up soon.
Congratulations on the award! I know I'm a faithful reader, though sometimes I have to do catchup. For me, the Astrantia in your header is enough to merit an award. Won't be long now til we see them in the garden again.
Thanks Jodi,I hope my gardens Astrantia grows this year, although it is pink coloured.The search for a white Astrantia Major goes on.I blog as often as i'm inspired too, when im not working!At least there is something new for you to read when you do catch up..
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