The Allotment today had manure dug into the beds before I start nights. Four beds can be planted soon.The fifth is still waterlogged.The aim now is to raise the soil level and maybe grow green manure.
I have plants growing in the greenhouse, and cold frame.Potatoes chitting in the spare bedroom. Onion sets, garlic bulbs, and seed packets on the breakfast bar.
Cat came up to lend moral support and sat wrapped up warm as I worked up a sweat and aching back muscles...
A rare photo of me, taken by Cat.Im usually behind the camera lense not in front of it!
Back in the garden I sorted my greenhouse plants out and watered them.I potted up my French Marigolds from the large 84 cell tray. I found germinated herbs that I planted and had given up on in the FM tray. I have a pot now growing mixed Herbs.
My Strawberry plants have developed flower buds on a few plants. I need some more compost. I have used nine 75 litre bags so far! I need another three bags to fill my grow bags, repot the Mallus Braeburn, and fill the Strawberry planter.
The garden seems to be growing fast now, and every day brings new flowers or new plants shooting up from the ground. I even saw Amazon (my long tailed fieldmouse) this afternoon in daylight sitting in front of the Hyacinth pot, before he made a dash for the compost bin.
I finished the day by making Rich Scones, for the first time since I was at school. Its been a productive day for the allotment and garden.
Hi David your allotments looking great, love your frog and the earlier post of the wooden buddah. Your posts are always good and regular. Mine lapsed until today....never mind will catch up. I think i have a lot to be tired about i certainly couln't keep up with your lot. Please pass on my love to Cat, i hope she is picking up and when she is back to full health can't wait to see her back at work for a catch up chat...if workload allows.
thanks Lynn,you will find time soon im sure to post.I will pass on your messages to Cat.see you at work sometime :)
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