They have been protected in the warm kitchen from the extremes of temperature outside.The light falls on them through the large glass window.
I have never grown Chillis before these ones.I bought the seeds at Tatton Park last year.The kitchen also houses the Marshalls New Potatoes in the grow bags.They grew leaves in about two days after chitting (growing shoots in a light warm place on the seed potatoes), and are pushing upwards.I am covering up the green stems with more compost daily untill the grow bags are filled to within two inches of the top.I will move the two grow bags outside at the end of April. These will be the first potatoes I have this year.
The seed potatoes upstairs are Nadine, and King Edward.They are second early, and main crop so hopefully the harvesting should be spread out over a few months..
My Rhubarb crown has rotted away in the pot, which is why it never developed.I will have to buy some more crowns for the allotment.It was £1.50 from Wilkos. Caveat Emptor.I will shake the bag next time to check the health of the crown in the packet.
I replanted more Tomato seeds after the frosts killed my other plants. Eight pots of individual seeds, Tomato Gardeners Delight, and Tomato Maskotka.The Maskotka is for the hanging baskets.They are like small cherry tomatos growing in a tumbling fashion.Its a space saving way of growing Tomatos.
The Gardeners delight can grow in the greenhouse, along with the Cucumbers..I need to remove two tiers later to accomodate the tall plants within.It is suprising how warm it gets within the clear polythene cover even with no heating.
Im working night shifts again this week from tonight.The posts will be shorter.I have a day to recover then three days off to try to prepare the allotment beds.Its thirteen degrees C outside rising to seventeen.I hope it drys the boggy beds so i can adequately prepare them for planting.
Hils has been inspired by my allotment clearing/digging and got half a plot up at Walton.Hers does not need the clearing that mine did.
April the third, and the kitchen garden is growing nicely.
1 comment:
Thanks Nancy,Things are developing nicely.I have five chilli plants in the kitchen,Beetroot seedlings in pots,a pea plant from the birds,planted seeds for Hot Peppers,and Tomatos.The New Potato plants are developing on the floor in the grow bags!
I have Salad leaves and beetroot growing in the African Bag Gardens,
Cabbages and Carrots in the coldframe.Strawberrys and three pots of Parsley..
In the right border I have pea plants growing on the exreme left of the right border.I wanted to see If I could grow vegetables within a flower bed, and use them ornamentally and for eating!
There are further cabbages and brussel sprout seedlings in the greenhouse too.Plus planted seeds for courgettes and cucumbers.
I am suprised how much I can fit into a little garden.Big ideas :)
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