The weather today went from Sunny to torrential rain then back to sunny.
I took a few photos when the light was good.This is one of the Anemones that I planted in December, nearly flowering.
As the sun shines plants are waking up and putting on growth spurts.
I fixed the birdbox to the outside of the outhouse, secured to the wall. I hope the Bluetits find it.
I bought some trellis today for the Iceberg climbing Rose. It has grown to about two feet high now. It is the most developed Rose of the seven that I have growing.
I found a black caterpillar today hiding in the leaves below a tulip flower bud. I hope that I have lots of Butterflies this year, as the caterpillars have demolised a lot of the Tulip leaves, and some have eaten the flower buds and stalks too..
I bought some seeds today for Chilli's and sweet Peppers. Four packets of seeds with a mini propogator, and clear lid.
Four of my kitchen Chilli plants are developing flower buds and growing on strongly, with thick stems at the bases.
The kitchen is filled with plants and seedlings. Like Courgettes, Cucumbers, Alpine Strawberrys, Hot Peppers, new Potato plants in bags....
April has been a busy month so far with so much growing now in the house, greenhouse, and cold frame, plus the garden plants/bulbs/annuals.
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