The Viburnum Tinus in the early morning light with the Privet trees behind it.
I watered the compost and turned it. The weeds were growing out of the bottom of the bin.I tidied a few leaves up, and moved some pots around.
I did another running repair on the fence with super glue and a small stick to hold the two loose pieces of fence.The hole is covered up now.
I watched the birds today. Two robins came into the garden at the same time.
Blue tits, blackbirds, and a daring house sparrow also came in whilst I watched.
I have some more Herb seeds to sow in seed trays. Mint, Sage, and Thyme. All the others will be planted outside in March or April.
Spring Bulbs are growing slowly, but im sure will have spurt growths when I am away. Daffodils, tulips, hyacinths, Crocus, Muscari, Chionodoxa, and Narcissus are all poking through the cold soil.
There are three mystery plants. Bulbs in the right border, bulbs in the blue pot, and the Red spears under the Viburnum. Time will tell what they all are.
The Cabbages have started to grow in the Cold frame, and the Baby Carrots in the white basket that I turned into a Veg container!
The Raspberry bush, and Blackberry bush have new growth. The Rose bushes are sprouting new red leaves that unfurl like Japanese fans and turn green.
The sun is shining but it is still cold. I hope its warmed up the soil by March ready for the mass sowing of flower and veg seeds.
A relaxed Sunday before my long day tomorrow. Spring is a month away but the garden is waking slowly in the cool Febuary days.
Lovely viburnum. Here, the garden isn't's rolled over, yanked the covers over its head, and told me to wake it up in April. :-)
Thank you for wriring a comment on my blog :) I really like your garden blog,I hope that once I will have a house with a little garden where I will be able to grow all the lovely flowers. I already started saving money now and my boyfriend said he will do the same. Youhave vry good photos here. I will keep coming back and checking what is new here. Have a great day.
Isn't it wonderful how quickly the promise of spring comes after the bleakness of winter. I am enjoying your blog very much. Enjoy your trip to Paris.
Hi Jodi,I'd go mad if the garden was sleeping untill April.Time to plan and dream, and start seeds off indoors!
Thanks Veronika,I liked the bulbs indoors and the daffodils were lovely.I still dream of a farmhouse cottage and larger garden :)
Hi Threadspider,Thanks for the comment.I love your Sunday church bells poem.I will try to enjoy Paris and write a few posts!The promise of spring is like a torch burning in the cold winter months!
Hi David enjoyed catching up on your blogs as usual. I introduced Libby to the garden/garden centre its CBeebies....
Hi, just came across your blog and think it's great! I actually just posted about my first bloom which happened to be a miniature iris this year. I have all kinds of stuff coming up but never labeled them (oops) so mine are mystery bulbs too ha!
I have a pic of my iris here if you want to see it:
Take care!
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