Taken three days ago after the coldest Febuary night since 1979. There was frost on the ground and ice on the tree's and plants. The cold air blew the ice particles onto everything that was exposed from tree's to hedges to cars to the soil.
There was a little flurry of snow too just to whiten up my borders.
It has warmed up since then.I worked yesterday, chilled today.
The Seedlings I started are struggling with the cold then heat of the house. I was maybe too impatient to get busy planting seeds. We will see what survives the winter sowing.
I am going back to Harlow Carr next Wednesday with my camera. I looked through some photos from the August visit. I was amazed by the photos and had forgotten half of them.
I got some books today which I need to read then review on here. The blog has started off new things I would not have even imagined when I begun.
I am amazed always at how many people read it, and how many leave comments. Garden Rant showed a diagram of what happens to a blog post after you press publish.It really does go on a mini journey around the internet.
I'm impatiently waiting for March and warmer temperatures so i can start my seed sowing. None of my Vegetable grow bags or seed potatoes have come yet.I would like them ready on the side with the Seed packets stored in Envelopes.
The Rose bushes have started new growth, flame red Leaves appearing from the bare stems. The cold spell has caused a few casualties in the plants. The birds keep visiting the many feeders positioned on the right hand border.
I'm waiting for the Spring bulbs to begin flowering. That could be a month away at least.I look everyday at the Garden, and work out whats growing well, whats appeared in the soil.
I found between the Heathers a Pea, dried up, dropped I think by the Birds. I took the Pea, dried it further then planted it. I have a baby pea plant now growing in the kitchen, dreaming of Warmer soil, and longer light. The first Volunteer plant dropped by the garden birds, as they visited my bird feeders. Its like an exchange, a pea plant for fresh food and water!
I will photograph it when the leaves begin to unfurl. It has sent up a stem with the leaves folded up origami style.
Wow...coldest day since 1979? Sounds like everybody is having some rough weather this winter! I hope it warms up for you soon!
Hi Lisa,It has warmed up today and is not as bitter tonight.Its mild our weather compared to some parts of the USA or Canada, but you get used to your own weather patterns.
Snappy.. take it from a frozen Canuck (Canadian) we never get used to our weather patterns .. we freeze all the same here .. and complained just as loudly as possible ..
Joy of the FROZEN NORTH : )
Thanks Gardenjoy4me,I dont know how people can cope or plants with the extremes of temperature.Its good to moan about the weather, a gardeners ever present companian!
Just popped in to say hello ... always enjoy your informative posts.
Hi David love all your new posts, you have a very clever way of expressing yourself, that keeps me visiting.
Thanks Joey,Im glad you enjoy the posts.I do enjoy the writing of them and selecting a photo to illustrate them.The titles also are thought about so I can remember what I have written when!
Thanks Lynn,See you at work sometime.I will drop by your blog soon :)
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