Now I just need the camera handy to photograph the Bird Bathing!
The Answer to my Sea Shell riddle is Holland has reclaimed a lot of former Sea and built on it. Lots of land in Holland has sea shells and Sand. The Strawberry bed must be growing on reclaimed former Sea land. Thats how they met :)
Second Night shift soon of Four.
Hi David your garden really attracts the wildlife, I am glad you shooed away the cat..I know it's nature but it really upsets me, the bird is so cute and a 'gift' to see without the cat presenting it as sure the cat was cute too....
The Birds were not in any danger Lynn.The Cat was sat against the left hand border.He left quickly without seeing a bird!
The garden birds are the spirits of the garden.They need protecting from predatory cats.
The cat can hunt for birds in other gardens. This one is an Avian sanctuary!
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