The Tour Eiffel in the Fog yesterday on Valentines day. Paris was cold, and foggy. It made for some atmospheric photos.
The three days away have caught up with me. More posts soon about the sites and flowers of Paris in Febuary.
"In my garden there is a large place for sentiment. My garden of flowers is also my garden of thoughts and dreams. The thoughts grow as freely as the flowers, and the dreams are as beautiful." (~Abram L. Urban)
Great shot of the Eiffel tower. How long were you there? We're planning a trip to Europe this summer to visit my family in Germany and I thought about a trip to Paris for the vacation part of our trip, but I want to wait to show it to my daughter (5) when she can really appreciate it. I've been before and I want her to remember it and "get" it! Can't wait to see more photos. Good luck with your jet lag!
Hi Diana,We were there for two nights and three days.It was fabulous.I love Paris now.It was totally different from when I was there 17 years ago.
I have more photos which will hopefully sell it to you.Great Side trip.I want to go back now im back in England!There is only an hour between French and British time at the moment.
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