Its like a still life the photo. I read that on Valentines Day the price of Red Roses went sky high from £10 to £60 for ten!
I have six Roses growing outside in the Garden. Two Tea Bushes, two floribunda, and two climbing roses. Red, orange, peach, yellow, white, and pink. They all have new leaves growing on the bare stems. Spring is getting closer :)
the roses are sweet snappy, love the colours they travelled a long way and survived.
They are beautiful.I'm jealous you have roses to cut right now. I have no blooms at all. But Spring is on the way--after the snow strom tomorrow! lol
Thanks Anonymous..they did indeed travel a long way back and survived.
Hi Anna,I bought them from a seller the day before Valentines day who came into the restaurant in Montmartre.I guess he bought them from a flower market, and they came from Holland I bet.They have massive greenhouses to get roses ready for Feb 14th.
My own roses are months away from being ready to cut.You have given me a future post idea, a vase of my own garden grown roses!
Love the rich colour and the fullness of the flowers. For me roses are always full of beauty, intrigue and sentiment. They remind me of my granmother and late step grandfather who's garden was always full of them in many colours, they were always cared for...including the Sunday trips for the manure...Look forward to a post including your roses when they are ready
Hi Lynn,I love these roses too.The sentiment was buying them in Paris for Valentines day.The flower market only had small baby mini roses that I saw.But we only walked up one aisle before heading to Notre Dame.They are a symbol of love, of purity, of passion.Many people would be lost without at least one Rose bush in the garden.They are timeless having been grown for thousands of years.The Tudor Rose is a good example of using roses to heal political differences!
I will need to get some rose food for March to give them a boost.As I watch and wait they are waiting to grow, waiting for the right light and temperature.
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