Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Great Expectations

Its cold outside today. That is the first time I have felt it as I walked around the garden. The garden reminds me of a house where a long party has gone on for months. Streamers adorn the curtains, food lies crushed on the floor underfoot. Bottles and glasses lay strewn around the house....
The flowers are fading like this baby Echinacea, with the dying leaves of other plants behind it. Everything has finished flowering or is horizontal after strong winds and rain. Leaves are changing colour on the other plants, and showing signs of aging, the end of the growing season.
A Robin is singing in the privet hedge, but unseen by me. The sun is shining and the sky is blue, but it is still cold.
Autumn is heralding changes in the trees, the weather, and the garden. Time soon to plan for spring. I have all my Tulips, Daffodils, and other spring bulbs to plant..
The Purple Cone Flower stands out in my Autumn garden, along with the Dahlias that are still flowering.
The Chrysanthenums might flower yet. Like the three wise men they sit in pots by the back door, and have flower buds on them. Can they flower before the frost gets them?
After the myriad colours and scents of a first summer in this garden I must start planning for next year, and i have great expectations (with all my flower seed catalogues to peruse).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a very bittersweet post. At least we know that we'll be back at it again in the spring and everything will start over. I have to remind myself of that in the fall when the garden starts to go dormant and it feels like you're saying goodbye to a friend.