Sunday, May 11, 2008

Honey Bee In TheRhodie

The Bee yesterday was busy flying around the Rhodadendron sweet white flowers.The summer is almost here with the pollinators out in force.
I see them flying into my garden now daily, and my butterfly and bee attracting plants are not in flower yet.Enjoy your weekends wherever you are gardening!


Anonymous said...

Hi, David. I was just wondering what kind of camera you use? our photographs are quite lovely :)

David (Snappy) said...

Hi Joanna.The camera is a Fuji Finepix 6500SD.I have had it a year and goodness knows how many photos I have taken.I can take between thirty to thee hundred and thirty depending where I am and how excited I am.
The hardest part is choosing which ones to show on the blog.Only a fraction of them ever make it on.
Do you have a Blog?I like your Freudian slip, bless you :)