The Red Tulips glows in the evening light as the sun shone down.It has been the nicest day of the year with twenty two degrees C temperatures.I spent some of the day in the garden potting on 136 Busy Lizzies, and moving the plants around to catch the light.

The camera has actually captured the glowing red of these Tulips.I cannot remember the name but they are gorgeous and like airport landing lights!

I went up to the allotment and took some photos of their communal garden.The Forget Me Nots were in full flower.I noticed a solar panel today which was supplying the water feature with its power.Water trickling down three black spheres.

The Chickens from the Barrett Street Allotments make their blog debut.They followed Cat around the enclosure.They are good weeders as their enclosure had no weeds at all.They were clucking away and waiting to be fed.Eight beautiful white Chickens.

I have only seen the Man once who went in to give them some lunchtime feed.They are quite chatty birds.They are behind the Community Garden and keep their eyes on the comings and goings of the allotment.

The Sunny weather has meant the solar panels must have been charged enough to power this water feature.It was lovely today with the sun out, and a light breeze blowing.The sound of trickling water..

The Tulips were still in flower, as well as the Forget Me Nots, Daisys, Calendulas, Geraniums, Monardas..

A Calendula at the Allotment community garden. I have these growing at home too..

A tulip with red flames.It could be a racing car or a mexican wrestler!El Diablo! I love the colours with the light blue Forget Me Nots in the Background.
Cat helped me plant two rows each of Peas Petite Pois, and dwarf French Beans Opera.The clay soil was like the Kalahari desert. I need to go after a long day tomorrow to water the rows we have sowed.The Potatoes and carrots had not done anything.The Onions had started to show signs of growth. I love the Sunshine but it bakes my plot dry!
The Cabbage and Brussel Sprout plants need to travel to the allotment. I sowed some Borage seeds today between the Peas/Dwarf Beans rows.
I have gardened home and away. I want a full Allotment day on Friday to clear the weeds and dig the first bed which can finally be weeded...
The grass and weeds have grown loads in just a week. I was stabbed by some thistles that had germinated and grown so quickly.
I need a Hoe I think to keep the weeds/grasses down around the raised beds. I enjoyed the sun on my face and arms today.
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