I spent four hours in the sun with Cat digging and planting the Courgette bed. Cat watered all the other raised beds, and weeded between the rows. I must get a Dutch Hoe to help us battle the ever present weeds.
The Pea's and French Beans have shown their heads through the soil. Mr Saddiq came up today after his holiday in Pakistan. I bartered if we dug his beds over for him he could get a compost bin for our plot. His black compost bin was like an oven today, there was even an any nest with larvae and lots of workers enjoying the warmth of the decomposing refuse.
In ten weeks I have transformed the wilderness into six vegetable beds, with paths between them.The hard work of digging is over untill the autumn. Its now about watering, weeding, and shaping the end section.
I want to put a level base down in preperation for a small shed.maybe six foot by four foot with a window. Somewhere to store tools, twine, pots, chairs to sit on, and a little gas burner for hot water to make fresh coffee...
Cat started the clearance of Mr Saddiq's neglected plot around the two grape vines. His soil is much richer than mine and falls away under the fork. I have said I will plant things in his beds. Onions and Courgettes to start.
I have used his watering can to start my vegetable seeds and plants, and rested on his chair.My green fingers will revive his one third of the plot.
Its good having a plot neighbour who is very amiable. He gave us some beautiful Spring Onions for making into a curry. I will cook some Dhall (lentil and onion curry) tomorrow with some rice.
My observation up at the allotment is that time passes so quickly when you are absorbed in the allotment. Four hours passed in the blinking of an eye.
I'm about to watch more of the Chelsea flower show. Hope all your gardens/plots are growing well.
Hi there!
Thanks for your nice garden picture. i love them.
If you need some tools or accesoires for your garden, then take a look at the westfalia.net onlineshop.
I bought there some things for gardening and they sent it very quick.
Mr Saddiq sounds very nice :)
Thanks Westfalia,Nice comment/plug for that garden site.Do I get a discount now :)
Hi Jaws,He is very amiable, but a silent partner mostly..
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