This will be my first attempt to post in the future for tommorrow when I am at work.
The flower photo was from Hils garden, a small delicate flower with pink and white, and a pin cushion centre.
As i took close ups I was reminded about my blogs header.
"is it an Astrantia?" I asked her.It is a pink and white Astrantia.My motif flower that has adorned the top of the page every new post.
This will be my 2500th post since Febuary 2005 I think.
I have cleared gardens, visited gardens, sowed seeds, and grown beautiful flowers, bought masses of plants, and developed a photography bug for insects, flowers, wildlife, and birds.
I have answered thousands of comments and made a huge resource of photos and prose, advice and problems..
Even I cannot remember everything I post but generally will do one every day.I think Garden Voices and Blotanicals keeo track of some of my posts!Thanks to both of them.
My passion remains undimmed even after all those posts.I hope people enjoy my blog posts, heres to 2500 more!
Congratulations on your fine blogging history, David. I don't often comment, but I read your blog every day and it greatly enriches my life. Keep up the good work!
(I'm glad to see that you are happy with your new camera, and a sweet one it is. I'm enjoying your photographs.)
Wow! 2,500 posts. I've just hit 150 and was feeling ridiculously proud of myself, but you rather put me in the shade. Congratulations!
Hi Tina,Thanks for your kind comment.Its lovely to read it :)I am slowly working out the camera..
Sue I will keep reading your blog untill you hit the 2500 mark!
I average about 34 per month (thats 408 a year...scarey).
thanks for dropping by!
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