Yesterday I spent all day with Hil's trying to dig her grass covered plot.We spent five hours in the sunshine getting the big weeds and grass out, twenty four foot.
Only a small square is left to dig over now of a thirty six foot by thirty two foot plot.It is large in comparison to mine.
The soil was a lovely mix once broken up, like Chocolate brownie mix and it crumbled nicely.
We went plant shopping before and I have some more plants for hanging baskets, and some cottage garden plants for right border.
One Foxglove Merensis, three more Echinacea's, three Cerinthe's, A Butternut Squash plant for the allotment, and some bargain Strawberrys which we went halfs on.
Hils had a steady flow of visitors offering her free plants that they had grown.Cabbages, Lettuces, Runner Beans.I think they saw she was spending all her time digging and no time for sowing seeds and growing plants on.The soil should grow perfect veg for her..
I got nettled and stung by Thistles in the forgotten plot behind Hils.It has been turned over to builders but never developed.The allotment plots were lost in a sea of waist high weeds.I searched for lost treasures that have been swamped by the wilderness.
I found a broken china cup with two ducks on one side, and a pheasant on the other.I hoped to find a souvenir in the forgotten plot and I did.
I got some eight foot canes yesterday from Hils for Runner Beans. I need to dig another bed on Thursday and Friday ready to accomodate the newly arrived Butternut Squash, Runner Bean seeds, and Strawberrys.As I helped dig her plot my own list of jobs to do at mine grew.
I got sun burnt again yesterday.Back to work today before some time on my own allotment.It was still peaceful up at Walton allotments.The posters were up all over for the plant stall on the first of June.
The birds were singing as the Sun shone through the clouds.A productive day :)
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